10 Ways to Improve Your Email Campaign


Companies are trying to fight for market share now more than ever, struggling to survive.  With retail stores, restaurants, and other services shut down, technology is the only form of communication; specifically, email marketing. While the workforce is sitting at their computers at home, checking their email constantly, it’s vital you get your message across clearly.

You get one chance to make a lasting first impression on your new customer.  Your current marketing email campaign is the most important and widely used channel to obtain new customers and retain your current customer base.

Here are 10 ways to ensure your email marketing campaign is a success:


1. Spend time creating the perfect headline aka your subject line to get your customers’ attention.

2. Get creative!  Don’t use the same subject line as your previous emails.  Integrate emojis, capitalize words for emphasis or ask your customer questions.

3. Be concise.  Keep your subject line 30-45 characters long.  In a world of short attention spans, you have seconds to obtain their interest.  Instead of a long-bodied email, create a fun visual graphic that displays all the information you’re trying to convey.

 4. Make it personal.  Use email templates that use your customer’s name.  Gather as much information as you can from your customer to personalize the email with products or services you think they might be interested in.

 5. Create an urgent actionable item and personalize it to get the sale.  Ex. Your special offer…, Your thank you gift…, Your early bird special…

 6. Make your email desktop and mobile-friendly.  Make sure your message doesn’t get lost in translation between platforms.

 7. Create a welcome email to new subscribers and attach a special offer or promotion marketed to them.

 8. Make them a regular.  Send frequent personalized emails to keep them coming back. Remind them of items they may have forgotten to purchase in their cart or an upcoming sale that is coming to an end.

 9. Repeat customers are just as important as new ones. Keep your subscribers engaged and be persistent.  Interact with them by sending surveys or polls on your products or services.  And speak to them through their wallet and make an offer they can’t refuse. Engage them by promoting your social media links on the email. 

10. Lastly, keep it fun! Create graphics and visuals in your emails that make them look forward to your next email.


Here at Nox, we pride ourselves on always giving our clients an edge over the competition. In this ever-competitive eCommerce landscape, it is important to be able to stand out. Hence why we provide the highest level of deliverability and analytics when it comes to delivering your transactional and marketing campaign emails. We also employ Amazon Pinpoint with custom Campaigns and Journeys. We would love to show you how we can take your campaigns to the next level, don’t hesitate to contact us to set up a demo.

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