The evolution of technology is inescapable.  Once you believe you’ve learned and mastered a subject, there is a new evolution on the topic that is being spoken about.  Most articles you read will discuss the importance of remaining current with technology.  The same can be said about new updates and algorithm changes that Google rolls out.  It is fundamental to stay in touch with the latest developments in the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) industry and look for reliable tips from experts. 

We decided to put together a list of useful and effective tips to help you navigate the world of search engine optimization, making it easier and streamlined. 

1.    Use Google

What better place to start than the search engine giant that is Google.  Use Google as a benchmark to gauge your current performance.  This allows you to not only see your visible rank, but also see those who rank above you. 

Using keywords, you can start to see your competitor’s trends and commonalities as well as how they use their SEO and their Google ranking.  The easiest and most fundamental Google search optimization tip is to use the search option to gain esteemed insight.

2.    Page Speed

One factor that Google looks at when ranking is how quickly your page loads.  The longer it takes to load, the lower the site will be ranked.  An important SEO tip is to make sure your page loads lightning quick.

Quick tips for keeping your website loading speed up include upgrading your server, making sure your content and codes are streamlined, leveraging browser caching, and finally, employing a content delivery network.

3.    Do your Keyword Research

Keywords are still important, make sure you are using keywords that pertain to your content within your URL, page title, subheaders, image descriptions, meta descriptions, etc.

There are tools such as Keyword Explorer by Moz that will help find the top-ranking keywords in your field.

4.    Don’t Just Optimize for Keywords 

Optimize your keywords with intent in mind.  The days of yore are gone.  The number of repetitive keywords that are included on your page for higher rankings are over. 

Looking for intent in a search query and individualizing keywords is the first step.  Answering the query in the best way possible will allow visitors to get their eyes on what they are looking for.  Again, the days of stuffing simple keywords are long gone, Google algorithms are much more sophisticated now.

5.    Write Lengthy, In-Depth Content

Another aspect of gaining success today is your word count.  Google algorithm will see longer articles as more informative and in-depth content.  Making sure your word count is higher than your competitors, will ensure you will rank above them.

We recommend a minimum of 800 words per article. But, there is no limit to how many words are in your article as long as it is informative, credible, and reliable.

6.    Rank for Featured Snippets

Becoming a featured snippet is relatively new to Google search optimizations, but definitely a tip worth using.  Writing a synopsis  of the content found on your site can turn into a featured snippet, increasing the traffic to your website.

To qualify, your answer has to be concise, complete, and clear.  Essential information must be answered within a few sentences or emphasized points.

7.    Don’t Forget the Basics

Along with doing your research on keywords, being able to have the basics mastered is important.

As you are looking into keywords to help your site, make sure to create targeted SEO page titles, meta descriptions, and article headlines so potential customers can find you.  Using Google’s recommended character count to improve your click-through rate will come as an advantage for you and your business.

8.    Describe Images and Transcribe Video

Plain text can be boring, add  images and videos to your website to aesthetically improve your page, Media content will not only add to SEO but will also enhance visitor interaction.

Writing lengthy, in-depth content, describing images, and transcribing the audio from your videos will help your SEO exponentially. Google wants users to have the best experience possible, and having the extra content will catapult the user experience.

9.    Optimize for Mobile Users

Most traffic is now coming from mobile devices and being able to cater to those visitors is a must.  Catering to this massive segment of your audience, and providing a seamless experience on any device is key.

In 2019, Google has started mobile-first indexing to prove how much mobile-friendliness matters.  

10.    Get External Links 

Regardless of how great you believe your website is, external links are important to include.  External links that include target keywords will help your ranking.

Researching “Off-page SEO” as well as “the most effective ways to get quality backlinks” will give you great insight into how external links will benefit your website.  In the long run, external links will improve your SEO, and they will bring more traffic to your site.

SEO is an ever-evolving game.  Google keeps modifying their algorithm which in turn dramatically effects your sites ranking and your bottom line.  Let us evaluate your current strategy and see how we can help you improve your organic ranking across the board and for the terms most important to you. Contact us Today !!!

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